Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

I screwed up 72% of my teenage life

(√) gotten detention 
) gotten your phone taken away in class 
(  ) gotten suspended 
(  ) goten caught chewing gum 
(√) gotten caught cheating on a test 

total: 3 

(√) arrived late to class more than 5 times 
(√) didnt do homework over 5 times 
(√) turned at least 3 projects in late 
(√) missed school cause you like it 
(√) laughed so loud you got kicked out of class 

total: 5 

(  ) got your mom/dad etc.to get you out of school 
) texted people during class 
(√) passed notes 
(√) threw stuff accros the room 
(√) laughed at the teacher 

total: 4 

(  ) pulled down the fire alarm 
) went on myspace,facebook,friendster,msn,etc.on the computer at school 
(√) took picture during school hours 
(   ) called someone during school hours 
(   ) listenend to an ipod,cd,etc during class 

total: 2

(  ) threw something at the teacher 
) went outside the classroom without permission 
(  ) broke the dress code 
(√) failed a subject 
(√) ate during class 

total: 3

(√) gotten a call from school 
(  ) couldnt go on a field trip cause you behaved badly 
(√) didnt take your stuff to school 
(  ) gotten a detention and didnt go 
(√) stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking 
(  ) cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear 

total: 3

(√) faked your parents signature 
(√) slept in class 
(√) cursed at a teacher to their face behindthem
(√) copied homework 

total: 4


tag 10 of your friends+people who tagged you this notes 

the repost this & put the title as "i screwed up __% of my teenage life

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